
Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Ausente eres,
el español.

Me entristece,
no existes en esta vida.
¿Qué ocurrió?

¿Era la francés?
En verdad, no me gusta nada la francés. Eres la única idioma que puedo amar.
Sí, amar.

Te amo, español.

Por favor, vuélvame.


meMonica said...

um ... huh? I got te amo espanol and por favor but the rest I am assuming is some kine of comparison between french and spanish. Que?

Pierce said...

actually, no. It is one hundred per cent Spanish. :P

Literal translation:

"Absent you are,

It saddens me,
you don't exist in this life.
What happened?

Was it French?
In truth, I don't like French at all. You are the only language I could love.
Yes, love.

I love you, Spanish.

Please, return to me."


meMonica said...

lol, well then drop French and take more Spanish silly!

Pierce said...

I can't drop French! I wouldn't be a full time student anymore. :(

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